Tuesday, August 3, 2021

What is search engine optimization?/ SEO?

What is search engine optimization?/ SEO?

what is the SEO?

What is the content optimization?

Content optimization is a part of overall SEO process. Where content of web pages is optimized to make the content more relevant, attractive and actionable for the audience. The website having relevant, attractive and actionable content have better chance to be ranked high is the search engines.

To make content relevant we should focus on:


Content quality

Content quantity

Content variety

Content readability

Internal linking & outbound links

Keyword density


A)  Content quantity

Basic principle of content quality as per google are:-


. content should be fresh & original one, if content is copied, it will consider as spam.

B)   Quality

-        Try to understand intent of users.

-        Then give him A-Z details on the topic. By covering various aspects.

-        Content should be rich enough users feel that for what purpose he landed on the page.


Length of content depends on different factors like

i)                type of business: explain services, vision and mission of company.

ii)              Education website, develop the content thoroughly with key details on various aspects.

iii)            Complexity or simplicity

iv)            Content is thorough and deep

v)              You describe every details of the services which a customer expects.

vi)            Try to write content question form – exa, where it is possible?

“digital marketing tools”

“What are various digital marketing tools?”


Focus of your pages should be on users not on search engines.

Understand your users first

What are there requirements

What actually they want.


Try to build content around it by including the keyword, which he/she might be using to find your content or website.


Don’t try to deceive the users by writing irrelevant content.

Think about what makes your website unique, valuable or engaging.

Stand out from others in your field.


Google has put specifically focused on that you should avoid.


-        Automatically generated content

-        Creating pages with little or no original content.

-        Abusing rich snippets markup.

-        Cloaking

-        Hidden text and link and so many other things.

-        Content quality and content quantity are both are very important techniques of on page SEO

-        There two techniques are the back-bons of content optimization.

-        Google has put lot focus on the quality and quantity of content.


C)   Content varity


Text with keywords that your prospect are using in the search engiens, Image, Videos Infographs table.

-        It will increase richness of your content.

Image seo:


Right alt text

Image size

Image dimension



D)  Content readability

Plugin :- for measure the readability score of our content.

-        Content readability is the level of ease to understand a written text.

-        Search engines don’t calculate readability score, however they measure the human behavior on page.

-        So it is important to improve the human behavior on page by increasing the content readability.

-        Short and simple words are key to the content:-

-        Use of short sentences:

Just break the sentences into parts and use contraction to shorten your sentence.


-        Use conversational style just like you are talking to others.


·       Typography  : Style of writing, selection words, syntax of the content matters, visual suspects of content also matters.

·       Typography starting from the font, font size, line height, line length matter a lot.

a)    Font size:- Ideal font size 16 pix.

May use 14 pix. Depending upon the font.

Correct font size reduce the eye strain.

b)    Line height :-

Line height should be 150% of the font size.

If we use 14 pix font the height should be 21 pix.

c)    Line length:- good number of words in line would be 9-12 words or between 50-60 characters.


Header and sub-header:- organize the content into headings and subheadings.

-        Some plugins for typography


Google fonts typography

Easy typography


·       Links and hyperlinks are embedded in the content.


By clicking on those links they take you to the page within the website or sometime outside the website.

-        When it comes to the content optimization, they are very important from SEO point of view.

A.   Internal linking

B.   Outbound linking


A.   Internal linking

 Linking any words, image, video or page to any other element within the website by putting hyperlink.


Makes site more user friendly and offer good navigation.


Effective hyper linking is always considers good from SEO point of view.


B.   Outbound linking

-        Similar to inbound linking, but target page is the any other page on the web expert page of your website


          SEO Quake one of the favourite tool of SEO.


·       Off -page SEO

                                   Off page SEO has to do with promotion methods of the website beyond website design of purpose of ranking website higher in the search results.

-        Is a technique that can be used to improve the position of a website in the search engine result page. [ SERP ]

-        Primarily off page SEO is link building process or getting links for your website.


·       Dimensions of off page SEO


Off page SEO has three dimension :-


1.     Link building

2.     Social media

3.     Social bookmarking


1.     Link building

a.     External link : link given to your website by other website.

b.     External link from quality webpage matters in the eye of googles.



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