Tuesday, August 3, 2021

What is search engine optimization?/ SEO?

What is search engine optimization?/ SEO?

what is the SEO?

What is the content optimization?

Content optimization is a part of overall SEO process. Where content of web pages is optimized to make the content more relevant, attractive and actionable for the audience. The website having relevant, attractive and actionable content have better chance to be ranked high is the search engines.

To make content relevant we should focus on:


Content quality

Content quantity

Content variety

Content readability

Internal linking & outbound links

Keyword density


A)  Content quantity

Basic principle of content quality as per google are:-


. content should be fresh & original one, if content is copied, it will consider as spam.

B)   Quality

-        Try to understand intent of users.

-        Then give him A-Z details on the topic. By covering various aspects.

-        Content should be rich enough users feel that for what purpose he landed on the page.


Length of content depends on different factors like

i)                type of business: explain services, vision and mission of company.

ii)              Education website, develop the content thoroughly with key details on various aspects.

iii)            Complexity or simplicity

iv)            Content is thorough and deep

v)              You describe every details of the services which a customer expects.

vi)            Try to write content question form – exa, where it is possible?

“digital marketing tools”

“What are various digital marketing tools?”


Focus of your pages should be on users not on search engines.

Understand your users first

What are there requirements

What actually they want.


Try to build content around it by including the keyword, which he/she might be using to find your content or website.


Don’t try to deceive the users by writing irrelevant content.

Think about what makes your website unique, valuable or engaging.

Stand out from others in your field.


Google has put specifically focused on that you should avoid.


-        Automatically generated content

-        Creating pages with little or no original content.

-        Abusing rich snippets markup.

-        Cloaking

-        Hidden text and link and so many other things.

-        Content quality and content quantity are both are very important techniques of on page SEO

-        There two techniques are the back-bons of content optimization.

-        Google has put lot focus on the quality and quantity of content.


C)   Content varity


Text with keywords that your prospect are using in the search engiens, Image, Videos Infographs table.

-        It will increase richness of your content.

Image seo:


Right alt text

Image size

Image dimension



D)  Content readability

Plugin :- for measure the readability score of our content.

-        Content readability is the level of ease to understand a written text.

-        Search engines don’t calculate readability score, however they measure the human behavior on page.

-        So it is important to improve the human behavior on page by increasing the content readability.

-        Short and simple words are key to the content:-

-        Use of short sentences:

Just break the sentences into parts and use contraction to shorten your sentence.


-        Use conversational style just like you are talking to others.


·       Typography  : Style of writing, selection words, syntax of the content matters, visual suspects of content also matters.

·       Typography starting from the font, font size, line height, line length matter a lot.

a)    Font size:- Ideal font size 16 pix.

May use 14 pix. Depending upon the font.

Correct font size reduce the eye strain.

b)    Line height :-

Line height should be 150% of the font size.

If we use 14 pix font the height should be 21 pix.

c)    Line length:- good number of words in line would be 9-12 words or between 50-60 characters.


Header and sub-header:- organize the content into headings and subheadings.

-        Some plugins for typography


Google fonts typography

Easy typography


·       Links and hyperlinks are embedded in the content.


By clicking on those links they take you to the page within the website or sometime outside the website.

-        When it comes to the content optimization, they are very important from SEO point of view.

A.   Internal linking

B.   Outbound linking


A.   Internal linking

 Linking any words, image, video or page to any other element within the website by putting hyperlink.


Makes site more user friendly and offer good navigation.


Effective hyper linking is always considers good from SEO point of view.


B.   Outbound linking

-        Similar to inbound linking, but target page is the any other page on the web expert page of your website


          SEO Quake one of the favourite tool of SEO.


·       Off -page SEO

                                   Off page SEO has to do with promotion methods of the website beyond website design of purpose of ranking website higher in the search results.

-        Is a technique that can be used to improve the position of a website in the search engine result page. [ SERP ]

-        Primarily off page SEO is link building process or getting links for your website.


·       Dimensions of off page SEO


Off page SEO has three dimension :-


1.     Link building

2.     Social media

3.     Social bookmarking


1.     Link building

a.     External link : link given to your website by other website.

b.     External link from quality webpage matters in the eye of googles.



The religion of human

 The  religion of human

the religion of human

One morning many people were struggling to get somewhere. Everyone has something to struggle with. There is something going on in their heads. Rupesh meets a man who is in such a hurry.

Rupesh wonders what is going on. Why are these people in such a hurry? Where are you going? Rupesh asks the man, "Hey, where are you going in such a hurry."


The man says, "Hey, don't you know? We're going to build a temple."

Rupesh: Oh, but what about the temple and why now?

That person: Oh, there is a temple, I don't know anything! But many people decide to build and complete the temple.

Rupesh: Oh, but why are you running? You don't have a temple in your village.

That person: Are you crazy? That temple is our religion.

Rupesh: Well then whose temple is this?

That person: Oh, the temples in the village were for everyone. And they say that this temple is more important than this. And big people say that something bad can happen if it doesn't happen.

Rupesh: What religion now? What new god are you creating now? Has there ever been less history in the name of God?

That person: Oh brother, you are zero. "Are you human or who are you?"

You simply don't know your religion! Go see your religion let me go. There is a lot of work already behind.

This sentence left a deep scar on Rupesh's mind. The storm of thoughts turned. And then Rupesh started finding his own religion. For many days he asked himself many questions. Who am i I am a man. So what is my religion? That person was really talking I simply don't know my religion!

After that, Rupesh read books of all religions one by one. Still, he was not satisfied. Then he read the history of each country. Still, he was not satisfied. Then he tried to add to his knowledge. Many thinkers survived, geography survived. In doing so, he visited every place he visited and traveled all over the world.

And now Rupesh knew everything. Everything in this creation was understood. He had gone to a higher level of mind.

And now he remembered the man's words again, "What kind of man are you? You don't know your religion."

And a mysterious smile spread across his face. He looked around from where he was standing. He saw at that time, a small ant was carrying one grain of food to the other and carrying it to its nest to survive.

At that time, a butterfly was engaged in storing pollen from flowers for itself.

The surrounding trees seemed to please him now. He wanted to keep that tree quiet, his only desire to give life to his fellow human beings. He could see his affectionate relationship with this earth and this living creature.

The birds' nesting for their young, their search for food, and their love relation with nature were now very clear to him.

Because now his religion was known. Because now he knew that the person who had asked him the question, "What kind of person are you? You don't know your religion!" He was smiling a lot at this question now. Because the answer to that person's question is actually in that question.

But Rupesh was now feeling sad about that person. Who told me what my religion was. And the same person didn't really know his religion.

Where is the answer, you might say? If you haven't found the answer yet, read it again.

Ask yourself questions, find answers and say them in the comments.

Monday, August 2, 2021

पुनः ती


पुनः ती

पुनः ती





कुठून तरी दुरून अचानक शुभमंगलम् सावधान हा आवाज कानावर पडू लागला आणि सोबतच फटाक्या आणि बँड चां आवाज आता खूप जवळ जवळ ऐकायला येवू लागला एवढा की माझ्या आणि बाजूलाच वाजत आहे ! डोळ्यांसमोर माणसांची गर्दी जाणवायला लागली आणि जागेवर नसलेले मन अचानक भानावर आले. आणि ती सुद्धा गर्दीत हरवून गेली, तेंव्हा माझ्या लक्षात आल की मी लग्नमध्येच आहे. कानावरती आवाज दुरून येत नव्हता तर माझं मन नऊ वर्षे दूर लहानपणी च्यां जगात हरवलं होत. आणि म्हणूनच तो आवाज मला दूर भासत होता. जसा जसा मी वास्तवात आलो, तसा तो आवाज खूप स्पष्ट झाला आणि मी परत या जगात या लग्नमंडपात वापस आलो. पण ज्या मंगल अष्टिका माझ्या कानावर आल्याचं नाही, त्याच कारण होत त्या "अक्षता."


आता तुम्ही म्हणाल अक्षात आणि मन हरवण्याचा काय संबंध , हो होऊ शकत अस जेंव्हा तो भूतकाळ तुमच्या समोर उभा असतो. माझ्या हातात अक्षता भेटल्या आणि मी जिथे कूलर ठेवलेलं होत त्या जागेवर जाऊन बसलो. तिथे कूलर च वार घेण्यासाठी सुद्धा बरीच गर्दी होती. मग त्या गर्दी ला बाजूला सावरत एका अँगल मध्ये उभा राहिलो. आणि नजर सहज च पुढे गेली, लग्नकार्यात असं गर्दीत अँगल मध्ये उभ राहील की नजर चहूबाजूंनी फिरतच असते.तेव्हा मंगल कार्यालयातील सजावट व काही ओळखीचे व अनोळखी चेहरे समोरून जात असतानाच नजर एका ठिकाणी स्थिरावली. हा..... हुशार आहात तुम्ही , बरोबर ओळखलत. ती स्त्रियांची बसण्याची बाजू होती. पण जरा दूर चां विचार जवळ आणा आणि थोड आलिकडे या हा थांबा. तीच ती...ती नाही हो हा हा "ती" तीच मुलगी. तिथेच माझीही ही नजर एकवटली आणि लगे फ्लॅशबॅक मध्येच गेलो ते सर्व मंगलाष्टकं संपेपर्यंत.


हो ती तीच होती. ओळखणार कसं नाही. तीच लक्ष नव्हतं माझ्याकडे एका बाजूने मीच पाहत होतो. आणि ते निरागस डोळे जे मी पाहिले होते लहानपणी ते कसे विसरू मी ते तसेच निरागस होते अजुनही.केसांची ठेवणं ही अगदी तशीच खांद्यापर्यंत. गुलाबी आणि आकाशी रंगांची मिश्रण असलेला ती तिचा ड्रेस आणि त्यावरती मोरपंखी रंगांच्या फुलांच्या छटा. तिच्या सोबत तिची मैत्रीण पण होती. तिच्या मैत्रिणीचा धक्का तिच्या हाताला लागला आणि ती च्या हातातील अक्षता ची पुडी बरोबर मी ज्या अँगल ने तिला न्ह्यहाळत हरवलो होतो अगदी त्याचं बाजूला पडली. ती पुडी उचलण्यासाठी वळली तेंव्हा ते आत्तापर्यंत "ती" च्या आठवणीत विसरलो होतो की मी कुठे आहे.


आता जाग आली तर ती डोळ्यासमोरून गायब , सर्व गर्दी आता पांगली होती कोणी नवरी जवळ फोटो काढण्याच्या घाईत तर कोणी जेवणाच्या पांगतिकडे जाण्याच्या घाईत.मला तर यावेळेस दोन्ही पण सुचत नव्हते. फक्त ती एकदा भेटण्याची ओढ आणि बरच काही बोलण्याची उस्तुकता. आता पुन्हा तिला असं अचानक गायब नव्हतं होऊ द्यायचं होत. म्हणून मग मी निर्णय घेतला की तील्या भेटल्या शिवाय जेवायचं पण नाही. ती त्या लग्नात होती कारण आमच्या शाळेतील mutual friend च लग्नं होत.पण ती अशी अचानक लग्नात येईल हे नव्हतं माहिती.


बोललो होतो तुम्हाला मी, आशावादी असल की सर्व काही भेटत. आज तेच धीर कमी आला. आज मी तिला किती - किती वर्षांनी भेटणार होतो, खूप उस्ताही होतो. आनंदी होतो. ती भेटल्यावर तिच्या शी काय काय बोलायचं हे सर्व आठवत होतो., तर जेवणाची पंगत संपू नये याची काळजी ही होतीच. तिला भेटण्याची उस्तुक्ता आणि पोटातील भूक दोन्ही गोष्टी एकाच वेळेला शांत बसू देत नव्हत्या.


पसरलेल्या माणसांच्या गर्दीत माझी नजर फक्त तिलाच शोधत होती. आणि तेव्हढ्यात नजर नवरी जिथे उभी होती त्या स्टेज वरती स्थिरावली. "ती" हो तीच ती. तिच्या हातातील गिफ्ट ती नवरीला द्यायला जात होती. माझ्याजवळ गिफ्ट...? अरे नाही ! विसरलो. माझ्याजवळ गिफ्ट नाही. आता ! आता काय ,घाई करा लवकर., पळा . तसाच लगबगीने माणसांच्या गर्दीतून वाट काढत पळत निघालो ते थेट स्टेज वरती. लग्नाच्या शालू मध्ये नवरी खूप छान दिसत होती. पोहोचल्या पोहोचल्या ती जे गिफ्ट नवरदेव नवरीला भेट देणार होती कशाचाही जास्त विचार न करता त्या गिफ्ट ला मी सुध्दा हात लावला. आणि नवरदेव नवरीचा निरोप घेऊन तसाच खाली आलो. ती फक्त माझ्याकडे बघतच राहिली होती. जणू तिने मला ओळखलं असावं. मी सुद्धा हळू हळू पुढे चालत होतो. आणि तेवढ्यात तिचा आवाज आला., "ऋषि." असा. नाही हो असा आवाज नाही आला. तुमचे विचार माझ्याही पुढे जात आहेत . तीला माझं नाव कसं माहिती असणार. ए थांब एक मिन.


मला छान वाटलं आणि भीतीही होतीच, हृदयाची धडधड माझ्या कानापर्यंत ऐकायला येत होती. ती अजून जवळ आली तिच्या पायांचा चालण्याचा आवाज कानायच्या जवळ ऐकायला येत होता मी डोळे बंद केले. आणि तिचा तो पायांचा आवाज थांबला. तसे मी डोळे हळू हळू उघडले.,ते तिचे डोळे समोरासमोर.ओठांवर हलकी लाल लिपस्टिक, तशीच केसांची ठेवणं, कपाळावर छोटीशी टिकली आणि गळ्यात "मंगळसूत्र."


यावेळी पहिल्यांदा माझा आशावाद चुकला होता. माणसाने वाट पाहावी पण जेवढी जास्त फक्त वाटच पाहाल  तेवढाच जास्त उशीर होतो. ती बोलायला लागली, तुझी हिम्मत कशी झाली येऊन माझ्या गिफ्ट ला हात लावायची समजतोस कोण स्वतः ला.


मी बोललो, ओळखलं नाहीस वाटते. जरा शांत हो. सांगतो. मी ऋषि.


आणि तिने माझं नवं ऐकताच क्षणी मला मिठी मारली. मला समजलं नाही. पण मी खुश होतो कारण ती आज माझ्या सोबत होती. ती खूप आनंदी वाटतं होती. तिच्या डोळ्यात हलकंस पाणी होत. तिला ही तेवढाच जास्त आनंद झाला जेवढा मला तिला भेटून. त्या भरगच्च सभागृहात अगदी गर्दी मध्ये तिने मला अशी मिठी मारावी!!


काही कळण्याच्या आत तिने मिठी सैल केली. काही क्षण मी तिच्या नजरेत पाहतच राहिलो. ते आनंदाने पाणावले होते.जस की ते ही या क्षणाची वाट पाहत होते.कदाचित त्यांनाही खूप काही बोलायचं. ती तशीच शांत होती पण ते पाणावलेले डोळे.बरच काही बोलत होते. बहुदा सरते शेवटी त्यांनाही हेच सांगायचं असावं की, आता खूप उशीर झाला आहे. बराच वेळा नंतर तिने ते पाणावलेले डोळे पुसून घेतले. तेवढ्यात आई अशी गोड हाक कानावर आली. ते तीच गोंडस लेकरू होत. तिने त्याची आणि माझी ओळख , हा बघ हा माझा लहानपणीचा शलेतील मित्र. अशी करून दिली. आणि त्या लेकराणे त्याला ती बोलेल समजलं अश्या पद्धतीने मान डोलावली. आणि तिने माझा. निरोप घेतला. आणि मी माझ्या डोळ्यांनी काही बोलायच्या आधी त्यांना शांत केलं. चेहऱ्यावरती एक smile आणि आता डोक्यात कोणतेही प्रश्न नव्हते. ते लग्न आणि तो दिवस मला हे शिकवून गेला की आयुष्य कधीच कोणासाठी थांबत नसते. आपल्याला प्रतेक क्षणांमधून काहीतरी शिकत पुढे जायला हवं असत. आणि जो क्षण आपल्या हातात असतो तो क्षण तिथेच भरभरून जिवंतपणे जगायला हवा असतो. कारण आज जगलेला आनंदी दिवस, उद्याच्या सुंदर गोड आठवणी असतात.







She again

 She again

She again

Suddenly the sound of Shubhamangalam Sawdhan was heard from somewhere far away and at the same time the sound of firecrackers and bands could be heard so close now that it was ringing next to me! Crowds of people began to feel in front of my eyes and the mind that was not in place suddenly came to mind. And when she got lost in the crowd, I realized that I am in the marriage function of my friend. The sound was not coming from far away, but my mind was lost nine years away in the world of childhood. And that's why that voice seemed so far away to me. As I came to reality, that voice became very clear and I came back to this world in this wedding tent. But the Mangal Ashtika that I did not hear, the same reason that "Akshata."


Now you say what is the connection between Akshat and losing the mind, yes it can happen when the past is standing in front of you. I got Akshata in my hand and I went and sat on the place where the cooler was kept. There was also a lot of crowd to take a cooler air. Then I stood at an angle to the side of the crowd. And the gaze moved easily, I would stand in such a crowded angle during the wedding ceremony that the gaze kept moving around. Yes ..... you are smart, you know right. She was the sitting side of women. But bring the distant thought closer and stop for a moment. She's the same ... she's not the same girl. That's where my eyes met and I went into flashback till all the mangalashtaks were over.


Yes, "She" was. How not to recognize. It wasn't the same attention I was looking at from one side. And those innocent eyes that I saw as a child, how can I forget them, they were still innocent. She has a mix of pink and sky colors with her dress and peacock floral shades on it. She also had a girlfriend with her. Her friend's hand hit hers and she fell right next to the angle I was missing while looking at her. When she turned to pick up Pudi, she had forgotten where she was until now.


When she woke up, she disappeared before her eyes. All the crowd was now scattered. Some were in a hurry to take photos near the bride and some were in a hurry to go to the dinner table. Just the urge to meet her once and the urge to talk a lot. Now she didn't want to disappear all of a sudden again. So I decided that what I really needed to do was learn how to do it right. She was in that wedding because our mutual friend from school was getting married. But I didn't know that she would get married so suddenly.


I was talking to you, hopefully meeting everything. The same patience was lacking today. How many years I was going to meet her today, I was very excited and happy. When I met her, I was remembering what to say to her, but I was worried that the meal would not end. The urge to meet her and the hunger in her stomach did not allow her to sit still at the same time.


In the crowd of scattered people, my eyes were searching only for her. And then the gaze settled on the stage where the bride was standing. "She" is the same. The gift in her hand was going to be given to the bride. I have a gift ....? Oh no! Forgot I don't have a gift. Now! Now what, hurry up., Run. We hurried out of the crowd and ran straight to the stage. The bride looked great in the wedding shawl. When I reached there, I also touched the gift that was going to be given to Navradeva Navari without thinking much about it. And Navradeva said goodbye to Navri and came down just like that. She was just staring at me. As if she knew me. I, too, was walking slowly. And then her voice came, "Rushi". There was no sound. Your thoughts are going ahead of me too. How would she know my name? A wait a min.


I felt good and I was scared, my heart was pounding in my ears. She came closer. I could hear the sound of her feet walking near my ears. I closed my eyes. And the sound of her feet stopped. That's how I slowly opened my eyes. ., It's her eyes face to face.


This was the first time I had missed my optimism. One has to wait, but the longer one waits, the longer it takes. She started talking, how dare you come and touch my gift, who knows?


I said,  Just calm down Says. I am a "Rushi". And she hugged me the moment she heard me. I do not understand But I was happy because she was with me today. She seemed very happy. There were tears in her eyes. She was just as happy to meet me. She should give me such a hug even in the crowd in that hall !!


Within a few seconds she loosened her hug. For a moment I stared at her. it was overwhelmed with joy. It was as if he was waiting for this moment. Maybe he also had a lot to say. She was still calm but her watery eyes were talking a lot. Probably a factor as to why they're doing so poorly. Many times later she wiped those watery eyes. At that moment, I heard such a sweet call from my mother. They were the same cute boy. She knew him and me, look at this childhood friend of mine. Made it so. And the boy nodded in such a way that he understood what she was saying. And she's mine. Said goodbye. And I calmed them down before my eyes could say anything. A smile on his face and now there were no questions in his head. That wedding and that day taught me that life never stops for anyone. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. And the moment that is in our hands, we want to live the moment to the fullest. Because today is a happy day to live. There were beautiful sweet memories of tomorrow.

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